LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Category: Guides (page 3 of 4)

Using GNU Radio and Hamlib to calculate antenna diagrams

As a part of earlier blog posts ([1], [2]), we developed a couple of tools for measuring antenna patterns against [… Read more]

A brief introduction to learning morse code

Demonstrating knowledge of Morse code was previously a part of the amateur radio exam in Norway. Licensees would get either [… Read more]

Plotting Norwegian ham radio contacts on a map using Pandas, Cartopy and Geopy

In the post about the Norwegian telephony contest, we plotted the contacts on a map of Norway. Plotting contacts during [… Read more]

Quick analysis of the LM100UKA logs using Python and Pandas

UKA-17 is over, and LM100UKA is no more. As a part of the series, “LA3WUA and LA9SSA discover that Python [… Read more]

Parsing a DX-Cluster using python and Club Log

LA1K is always interested in working new DXCCs. To assist with this we wanted to see if we could make [… Read more]

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