LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Tag: GNU Radio (page 2 of 3)

Extracting the antenna pattern from a beacon signal, pt. III: Frequency analysis and code

In a couple of blog posts (Extracting the antenna pattern from a beacon signal, pt. I: Initial investigations using autocorrelation, [… Read more]

Extracting the antenna pattern from a beacon signal, pt. II: Measurements of LA2SHF

In the first blog post of this series, we analyzed the beacon signal from LA2VHF to obtain the enveloping, azimuth-dependent [… Read more]

Extracting the antenna pattern from a beacon signal, pt. I: Initial investigations using autocorrelation

We have published a couple of posts ([1], [2], [3]) on how to measure an antenna pattern by using an [… Read more]

Using GNU Radio and Hamlib to calculate antenna diagrams

As a part of earlier blog posts ([1], [2]), we developed a couple of tools for measuring antenna patterns against [… Read more]

Write-up of the GNU Radio workshop

As previously announced, this weekend we held a workshop in GNU Radio in collaboration with the Department of Electronic Systems [… Read more]

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