Just prior to the Easter celebrations, the license course concluded with the exam, held at NTNU Gløshaugen. Of the 6 met, the following 3 passed:
- Andreas Just – LB7IJ
- Alexander Øvergård – LB7JJ
- Axel Luiggi-Gørrissen –
Congratulations to this “A”-wesome group of new licensees. You’ll hear them on the airwaves soon enough!
Also, LA1Q probably the oldest inherited callsign we’ve seen yet. It originally belonged to a member that joined LA1K in the spring of 1927!
The next course will be held during the fall of 2023, so hope to see many new unlicensed radio hobbyists there. Open for everyone, not just members of ARK!
Great with old call signs coming into use again.