LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Tag: LM100UKA

Quick analysis of the LM100UKA logs using Python and Pandas

UKA-17 is over, and LM100UKA is no more. As a part of the series, “LA3WUA and LA9SSA discover that Python [… Read more]

LM100UKA is over

The UKA festival is finally over, and we are back to normal here at the club. It has been a [… Read more]


Samfundet is currently closed down in preparation for UKA. In between the sound checks, rehearsals and other activities that occur [… Read more]

Special Callsign, LM100UKA

  In September and October, we will be running the special callsign LM100UKA to celebrate the 100-year aniversary of the [… Read more]