LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

The radio loft gets a fresh coat of paint

Since the coronavirus has limited our abilities to utilize our clubhouse, we figured that this would be the perfect time to slap on a much needed coat of fresh paint.

Our clubhouse, the radio loft, was fully refurbished in the summer of 2013. However, the site sees a mean combination of frequent activity and modest cleaning, so it is often in need of both minor and major renovations. After we prettied up our sofas earlier this year, it has become more and more apparent that the walls also were in dire need of attention.

One major job was to remove seven years worth of plaques, posters and paraphernalia.

Luckily we have a dedicated team who were both eager and able to take on the task. Their toils over the last couple of weeks has consisted of washing, cleaning, washing, cleaning, tidying, washing, and then finally spackling, sanding and painting.

Another big task was masking and covering our precious equipment.
Luckily, we had also put aside some renovation money for ice cream. This appears to have kept the workers happy.
One of the larger spackling jobs.
New color palette taking shape.

The final results will be seen in the background of many future posts. With this post we are taking a summer holiday, regular posts will resume again in the first half of August.


  1. Bjørnar H. LA7IKA

    Ah, the all-conquering orange is back. 1i remember when we got rid of the last remains of the previous orange 15ish years ago!

    Oe much of the color palette is inspired by the now thoroughly renamed Statoil operation?

    • LA7IKA

      Sorry for the type-o’s

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