Our second amateur radio license course this year will start in week 38. The course will be held in S21 at NTNU, with the first lecture starting Wednesday 19.09.18 at 18:15. The course is held on Wednesdays over the course of four weeks, with a concluding exam on 17.10.18. You may register for the course using this link.

As an amateur radio operator, you will learn a lot about radio communication, electronics, electromagnetic propagation and much more. You can even build your own electric circuits that allow you to communicate with other amateurs from all over the world. An amateur radio license is required to participate in the amateur radio hobby. With the amateur radio license you get access to a large amount of frequencies, which is what allows us to perform this hobby. Feel free to show up for the first lecture if you would like to learn more about this hobby, and why it is fun.

The course is open to anyone, and will consist of four lectures followed by an exam. Each lecture is approximately two hours long. The course is offered in English or Norwegian, depending on the attendees. The course is free, but if you pass the exam there is a license fee of 2000 NOK to the national communications authority (NKOM). The exam is only available in Norwegian. You may bring a dictionary if you are not proficient in written Norwegian.

The lecture plan is:

Date Topics
19.09 Introduction to amateur radio, practical prefixes and units, Ohms law, Passive components, Direct Current
26.09 Alternating current, Active components, Receiver/radio architecture, Modulation
03.10 Antennas and cables, Wave propagation, Digital Communication
10.10 Left over topics, walkthrough of example exam

The curriculum for the course is “Veien til internasjonal amatørradiolisens”, which can be purchased here.

Register for the course.