LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Tag: 80m

Field equipment maintenance days

Most of the club’s activities fall within NTNU’s semesters. Many students leave Trondheim for internships or vacations during the summer. [… Read more]

Our tallest antenna yet

In our strive for better 80m antennas, the size is an ever-recurring problem. For many years, we have been using [… Read more]

Restoring the 80m dipole antenna

Speaking of the 80m dipole last week: The ropes holding up the 80m and 160m dipoles have sorely needed replacement [… Read more]

Telefonitest 2017 QTH NUTS

Telefonitesten (Norwegian: the Telephony Test) is a Norwegian-only Ham Radio competition occurring every fall. ARK has a tradition of participating [… Read more]